know us
Surname Galiana has been linked with nougat and the capital of Christmas sweets, Jijona , since 1884 when the first factory of nougat and quince paste was founded. Already then we had all the advances without forgetting that the artisan quality is guaranteed only by making the Christmas sweets by hand. By the first half of the 20th century, we already had branches established in Buenos Aires and Montevideo.
A part of the family Galiana He came to Valencia de Jijona more than half a century ago. Our store in the c / San Vicente Mártír, nº 45 , has become the symbol of Christmas in Valencia. This is attested by long queues of our customers that sprout on the sidewalk the week before Christmas Eve. The loyalty of our customers motivates us to continue offering artisan nougat and Christmas sweets of the highest quality in the 21st century.
Currently the business owner and store manager Loving Galiana , assumes the mission of faithfully preserving the path and traditions established by its predecessors since 1884.
60 years of Galiana Nougat ... we met them in 1950!