An almond tree in flower (variety Marcona)
The history of the Marcona almond part of the fact that all elite products have their magic recipe. Its ingredients are always of the highest quality. Some, like Coca-Cola, have never revealed them. Others, however, are not afraid to expose the members of the formula that has led to their success. At Turrones Galiana we have decided to join those who believe that transparency is an added bonus. From this post we will begin to tell you what the queues that usually form in December, in front of the entrance to our store, are due to.
Well, we reveal the secret no 1: the Marcona Almond . There are many varieties of almond ( Prunus dulcis ), but only one of them has the optimum quality to be an integral part of our Nougat.
The Marcona Almond, an almond sensitive to the vagaries of time.
On Galiana Nougats we know that our clients have a refined palate. To meet your expectations, the only variety of almond that satisfies us is the Marcona, the typically Mediterranean almond, globally recognized as the sovereign of almonds. Naturally, it is much easier said than done. Marcona is more sensitive to the vagaries of time than the other varieties, it requires very specific resources and when it matures it falls from the tree before its cousins-sisters. In short, the care requested from the farmer is much higher, hence its price rises a lot compared to other almonds.

Marcona variety almonds
However, we never accept a fairly typical compromise: to resort to other varieties, cheaper and with more availability. Nor do we accept to submit to what they suggest as the 'reality of the market': a mixture of various types of almond, with a 'high' percentage of Marcona. We usually welcome the suggestion, but the answer is a resounding "No!" As far as we are concerned, for Galiana Nougats only the following is valid: 100% Marcona almond, or nothing!
Also, we are always attentive to guarantee the authenticity of the product. From time to time they tried to strain us with other varieties with the name of Marcona.
So, don't worry, the queen of almonds, with its unique and exquisite flavor, awaits you at Turrones Galiana, in our Jijona Nougat and in other products. It could not be otherwise.