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(Article written by Colomina Fruits )

On Galiana Nougats we have heard more than once: “¿ Candied almonds ? Really ?" It is clear that the most important ingredient in a good nougat is almonds, but did you know that almonds can also be candied? On Colomina Fruits We have recovered a fruit that our grandparents candied and, due to its high cost and more difficult process, disappeared for a few decades.

How we candied our candied almonds

In spring, the almond is still tender, with the seed half set and the shell is still soft. This fruit of the almond tree is called " almond "Or" ayosa ”, Which is an expression that comes from the Arabic alluza and means green almond.

As we have already said, in spring when the almond is still tender, we proceed to its collection, looking for a variety of almonds that occurs in the area of Xixona , which are Pasqualas almonds, since this variety belongs to a class of almonds that are a little larger than usual, and therefore have more "molla" to confit them.

Almendras confitadas de Turrones Galiana

Galiana Nougat candied almonds

As always, before the fruit is candied, it is stored in drums with water and preservatives, and it is curious that the tender almonds do not lose their characteristic green color, which is the case with other fruits.

Once washed and boiled, we proceed to confit the almonds and this is the result:

Colomina Fruits ) has been confining almonds for only a few years, but the good acceptance of our customers, including Galiana Nougats , has made candied almonds a classic among our wide variety of candied fruits.

They can buy candied almonds in our online store.

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